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Now To begin with . . . Free downloads
About Your Life opens
in a separate window
Warren with Tony King 2003.
Found opens in a separate window
Warren with Tony King 2003.
and Soul, Life and Death -
are the Facts?
audio recording was created by Steven Warren in 2002 prepared
to help those share in the questions and answers which Steven
has explored with those facing death and those bereaved during
the last 35 years. Whilst the recording is primarily designed
for people seeking answers to life and the afterlife it is
also a useful for resource for everyone who wishes to understand
their life more fully. All questions are all answered in this
audio recording in a clear, down-to-earth way.
When does the soul leave the
What happens when we die?
When does the
soul connect as a baby?
Why do babies and children die?
Connecting with
people on the other side
Continuing to communicate with
the dead?
Can you explain Karma?
Where do our deceased relatives
and friends exist after death?
What are ghosts and hauntings?
How do some people see energy/auras
and others don't appear to be able to?
Why do some people have good
experiences in life and others have lots of problems?
in both CD and Audio Download.
Sample track(s) please click
There are a selection of edited samples
from each of the tracks in this one sample recording. Then
simply click and purchase the complete recording online in
two clicks of the button!
Power of Caring - A seminar
Part ONE and Part TWO
in 1989 this is a true account of one mans successful self-healing
from terminal cancer. The recording is a seminar held in England
with cancer specialists, psychologists, HIV and Aids, cancer
patients, hospice nurses and general practitioners.
How are findings from this man's journey of self healing at
both a emotional and spiritual as well as physical level of
relevance to us today? In conjunction with this audio recording
there is a published print and E Book version as a workbook
which is written by Steven Warren which includes explanation
on both the link between the mind and the body both in terms
of influencing the all important immune system but also in
terms of exceptional physical health and well being - staying
young and achieving all aspects of our own unique expression
within our lives.
this, the first of two Audio CD's we hear directly from both
Don and Anna of their experience of working together as a
team so that Don was able to overcome his 'terminal' lung
cancer diagnosis. Don and Anna present the key elements which
they are clear was a part of Don's journey back to full health
and Anna recalls, in detail, how she too had to make her own
personal journey to both heal herself emotionally in order
that their future relationship could contain the necessary
ingredients so they could grow together as a couple.
Audio Download. Sample track please
are a selection of edited samples from each of the tracks
in this one sample recording. Then simply click and purchase
the complete recording online in two clicks of the button!
from The Prophet with Steven Warren

The Prophet is striking by the powerful
simplicity of expression in Gibran's writing and used quotes
which relate to various aspects of life and living it. By
popular demand Thomas has recorded some of the sections from
The Prophet which includes:
- Love - Pain - Time - Teaching - Death - Joy & Sorrow
- Marriage - Self Knowledge
as an Audio Download - Complete
DC Effect Dynamic Cognition
and international speaker, Steven Warren, will release his
book version of the successful audio and workbook created
in 2002 in 2015 which is based on one element of his philosophy
of TRUE SELF and how this relates Dynamic Cognition or The
DC Effect in Your Life. The development of his philosophy
stems from his work dating back as far as the 1980's from
working with people going through loss, transition and change.
to the full recording from 2004 about the nature of Dynamic
Cogntion - The DC Effect in your life.
select from the index of specific tracks which compose the
full recording.
Letting Intution Find Expression
A Turning Point
is The DC Effect
The DC Effect
Goal Less
Bock and allowing the flow
You Are
The Egypt
These recordings are intended to illustrate
concepts that have the potential to initiate a great change
within you. Rather than being a resource for instruction,
the recordings are more experiential. You don't need to learn
and therefore we don't need to teach. The recordings can create
a setting in your imaginings for your impressions to emerge.
To liberate the mind
to liberate the soul.
About 'The Egypt Connection' . . . The setting
for the series of recordings called The Egypt Connection comes
as a result of what happened when we started recording the
interviews. We found ourselves transported back thousands
of years. The stage is set in the temples of Egypt and beyond.
We see the images and hear about the energy work that took
place in the distant past and realise the relevance for us
in the 21st century. Those who worked with, harnessed and
directed the true energy of life and beyond life have never
left since the end of the Egyptian period but have remained
quietly witnessing and working in the background. The creation
over 200 years ago of the modern day United States of America
was guided and fashioned by such people. Many ordinary individuals,
as equally important as the politicians, are urgently waking
through their heart energy to find a clear expression for
the future.
An Experiment
Called Life -
All that
has touched your soul is affecting you right now.
The two-dimensional world of this very day, yesterday and
tomorrow is but one tiny part.
Look within to discover more.
The concept that life is an experiment
is not new. But what does it mean? This audio recording from
The Egypt Connection series transports you back to the temples
in Egypt for the answer. Those who worked with, harnessed
and directed the true energy of life have never left since
the end of the Egyptian period and have remained quietly witnessing
and working in the background. The creation of the modern
day United States of America was guided and fashioned by such
people. You will hear about the energy work that took place
in the distant past and realise the relevance for you in the
21st century. The Experiment called Life begins
to illustrate concepts that have the potential to initiate
a great change within you. The knowledge of the ancients is
as relevant to your modern day life as it was all those years
Tracks include:
Real Self and the Unreal Self
Energy Connections
and the West
Priests Then and Now
the only porthole?
of Awareness
The audio recording Tools of Awareness
from The Egypt Connection series discusses the potential for
tools and techniques, such as sound, crystals, aromatherapy
oils, homeopathy and meditation to potentiate shifts in your
energy. You will hear a discussion about the energy techniques
that took place in the temples of Egypt thousands of years
ago and how they have relevance for you today. Encouraged
by the recording which creates a setting in your imaginings
for impressions to emerge, the choice is yours to be inspired
by your awareness of which tools attract you and to respond
to that inspiration.
Tracks include:
The oil
Recreating what you find
Techniques of preparedness
Like a symphony
Inspiring people
Feeling holistically
Breath and colour
Sound and music
Scattering your energy
May You
Energy Awareness
The time you live in your human body is in
a constant state of flux and change and your true experience
is to create and sustain a soul connection from which to balance
and express a free flow of energy which is your true self.
Soul expression can be recognised in every scene of your physical
experience here; in your relationships, at work, at home and
in the highs and lows that touch your life. You can use your
experience of life to discover how quickly and powerfully,
with the support of others, you can realign to your true statement
of self through connection with who you really are at a soul
level. Crisis creates fear and that is the wake up call to
many however the connection with soul is not one which is
made through fear at all. Tracks include: Individual
energy configuration, in which you learn to recognise
how you can best express yourself in your life. Running
your energy expression and The effects of a spiritual
Tracks include:
Thinking outside the box
The magnificence of the soul
Individual energy configuration
Running your energy configuration
Aligning through healing
Healing in Egypt
Can't take it with you
Farming the Initiates
The effects of a spiritual event
May You
Being REAL
provocative title of this book was created as the process
of writing the book began to unfold and recalls the children's
magical tale of the Velveteen rabbits journey to being loved
until he was no longer a toy but became real in all of the
possible meanings of the word. Rather than, as like many self
help or personal development books do, creating therapy and
goals for life this is the first unique book of its kind to
be published where Steven shares his experience of over thirty
years working with the dying, those faces chronic illness
or disability and how such people found a love of their true
can order via our website on Amazon Audible by following the
link below